Vimianzo. Do mar á terra.


Do mar á terra

“Vimianzo. Do mar á terra”

Coído de Sabadelle

Vimianzo is the capital town of ‘sea flavours’ in the Costa da Morte. It is where the land meets the sea, a place whose foundations are deeply rooted in history and time. Its palaces, forts, dolmens and castle speak of a land where, since times gone by, there has been a mixture of the seafaring tradition and land flavours: a Galician fusion of land and sea.

"Do mar á terra” is a project funded by European funds through the Coastal Action Group, GAC 3. It aims to add value, sort resources, establish network links and differentiate the Costa da Morte by stimulating the economy, promoting the improved competitiveness while at the same time encouraging a space appropriate for entrepreneurship. The project, promoted by the Council of Vimianzo, is open to the participation of all local agents interested in the development of the town.

Ecogastronomy & archaeogastronomy

Castle of Vimianzo

Fish and shellfish caught in the Costa da Morte are a staple in the cuisine of Vimianzo. This project aims to support ecogastronomy, by encouraging quality, sustainability of fishery resources and cooking innovation, but also by promoting the excellence of the tourist sector offering visitors attractive products. 

In “Do mar á terra" hoteliers rely on archaeogastronomy —whose goal is the recovery of ancient recipes and cooking methods—, to combine the history, genuine sea flavours and products of the Costa da Morte. As a result of their work and the advice from experienced archaeologists and chefs, they offer visitors menus like those of the Castro and Medieval periods.

Because Vimianzo is also about history, culture and nature, the project includes a series of trails, designed by the town council, touring the castle, the palaces, the forts, the tumuli and the landscapes, so that visitors can enjoy the tangible and intangible heritage of the soneirana land.

The activities carried out in the context of this project are presented under the brand name “Do mar á terra", comprising various promotional elements, like a website, brand image, information points, audiovisual material and the creation of a restaurant network.  It is a fully planned and worked out promotion campaign of tourist attractions that intends to provide a differentiated tourism experience, linked to the sea, heritage and history.