Vimianzo. Do mar á terra.


Places of interest

The memory of rocks

Pedra Moura

Costa da Morte is the area with the highest density of mámoas (tumuli) in Galicia, with more than 300 megalithic structures and some of the most important dolmens.

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The Penedos: stone imagery

The Penedos: stone imagery

A Barca (the boat), A Cachucha (the head), A Furada (the pierced one), and A Dama (the lady) are neither paintings, nor songs, nor poems, but they are nonetheless art. They are the so called Penedos de Pasarela, a series of stone sculptures formed by wind and sea water erosion, that depending on the sunlight, and one’s own perspective and imagination, resemble different shapes.

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Cereixo, a seaside spot

Cereixo, a seaside spot

Besides Sabadelle, Vimianzo has another seaside spot, Cereixo.

This parish is located high up the peninsula formed at the junction of the Cereixo and Grande rivers, at the tip of the ria of Camariñas.

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Sabadelle: A window to the sea

Sabadelle: A window to the sea

Sabadelle is Vimianzo’s window onto the sea, in between Traba (Laxe) and Camelle (Camariñas). Here, where land and sea meet, Vimianzo tastes the salty Atlantic waters.

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