Vimianzo. Do mar á terra.


1. The Castle of Vimianzo

The Castle of Vimianzo

The Castle of Vimianzo (+43° 6' 40" -9° 1' 52" ) dominates the town. Located on the edge of the town centre, it was built around the 12th or 13th century by the Mariño de Lobeira family. The castle now looks different than it did before, as over the years it has been reconstructed following struggles and changes in ownership.

The biggest structural change to the castle took place at the end of the 15th century, in 1467, when a defining event in the history of Galicia occurred: the Irmandiño War. The people rebelled against the economic pressures and the abuse and violence committed by the feudal lords, and decided to assault castles and forts. Most of them were destroyed or very badly damaged, as was the case of the Castle of Vimianzo, and the high nobility fled Galicia to Castille and Portugal. This event is remembered with a celebration every July: the Attack on the Castle of Vimianzo.

Shortly after, the nobles who fled Galicia and went to Castille organised and undertook to recover their possessions, which they did in 1469. The Castle was then rebuilt with the work of Basque quarry workers.